Defibrillator Pads Child ZOLL Pedi-Padz II - Set
ZOLL’s unique intelligent paediatric capability is built into the AED Plus. Pedi-padz II electrodes are designed for patients under the age of 8 or under 55 pounds. The AED can sense when paediatric electrodes are attached and will switch from an adult to a paediatric ECG analysis algorithm. The Pedi-padz II electrodes have a two-year shelf life.
The ZOLL Pedi-Padz II is a two-piece electrode with Intelligent Paediatric Capability to ensure the device analyses a childs heart rhythm.
The Pedi-Padz II has Separate and specific algorithms designed for children are used to analyse a young victims heart rhythm.
The ZOLL Pedi-Padz II is designed to provide paediatric-specific energy levels and to inform the rescuer, voice and text prompts inform that paediatric pads are connected to prevent misuse. The Pedi-Padz II has clear diagrams on packaging allow for easy placement of electrodes.
Suitable for people aged 0-8 and over the ZOLL Pedi-Padz II has a 2 year shelf life.
The ZOLL Pedi-Padz II is compatible with the ZOLL AED Plus and AED PRO defibrillator for good quality cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).